Questions and Answers

Anti Ponding Strip

What is an Anti Ponding Strip?

What is an anti ponding strip? When a tile roof is being installed, the eave detail is critical. This is a photo of a roofing job being installed on a home in Auburn California in 2001. This roof design had zero gutters on the building at all, but had a fascia ...


Q & A - Contractor Bond, What is it?

Does my roofer need a bond to work on my roof? John from California asked, "Does my roofer need a bond to work on my roof?" In California, a roofing contractor is required to have a bond to get a license. A quick search of the California State License Board website using ...


Q & A - What is a Bull Nose Hip Roof

What is a Bull Nose Hip? Most people have never heard of the word before. According to the Audels Carpenter and Builders Guide #4 this picture to the left can Jerkinhead bare roof be found and is described as a Bull-Nose Hip. It is also known as a Jerkinhead. For ...

Leaky Skylight

Why do Skylights Leak?

One of the biggest calls for roof leaks I see is for skylight leaks. Why? We all love the natural light coming into our homes and offices. It is a fact that people perform better when natural light is present. In study after study, it has been proven, that daylighting dramatically ...


Q & A - Roof Nails Through My Sheathing

Is it normal for roofing nails to come through the comp, sheeting and slats? Dennis asked, "I recently had my old shake roof replaced with composition shingles. My question is the other day I had to get up in the attic and while up there I noticed that the roofing ...

wrinkled felt

Wet Felt Paper, Can I Roof Over It?

Is it ok to shingle over wet felt? What should I do? Now that we are well into fall and the rainy days are here, I get asked this question many times about wet or damp felt. Is it ok to shingle over wet felt? The felt as you know is ...


Q & A - Correct Way to Nail a Ridge Cap

Learn how to nail a ridge cap correctly. When installing the ridge cap shingles they should be nailed with at least two nails per shingle and use a nail long enough to go through the sheathing or into it 3/4 of an inch, then the next ridge cap is laid over ...

underlayment - Peel and Stick as Roofing Underlayment

Q & A - Peel and Stick as Roofing Underlayment

Peel and stick as roofing underlayment on a shingle roof? Corrine asked, "Peel and stick as roofing underlayment on a shingle roof? This is the first time I’ve gone online to investigate a home project and I’d like to tell you I really appreciate this. I bought my home in Florida ...

Tile Valley Detail

Q & A - Cutting Roof Tile

Learn the best way to cut concrete roof tile. What is the easy way to cut a concrete roof tile? Vic T. from Albuquerque asked this question. Professional roofers use gas-powered concrete cutting saws with a 12-inch diamond blade. The tile is laid as close as you can just stopping short of ...

bad job 1

Q & A - Can You Use Staples for Fasteners When Re-roofing?

Many manufacturers prefer nails over staples. Ronald Asked, "Can you still use staples for fasteners when re-roofing?" For the sake of discussion, we will use asphalt shingles as the subject material for this question. Most roofers are using nails. It honestly has better holding strength because of the head of the nail ...

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