Questions and Answers


Q & A - Whole House Fans

Whole house fans, how do they work? Have you ever sat outside on a hot summer evening and enjoyed the cool air? Did you know there is a way to bring that cool air into your home? A Whole House Fan can do this. These fans are a very popular way ...


Q & A - Zero Lot Line Scaffold

Is there a way we can fit the roof without the need for scaffolding on her property? Christine asked, "We have been granted planning permission to build and roof a two-story extension to which our neighbor has actively objected to. Her mission it seems is to make our Home Improvement as ...

stagger shakes

Q & A - Fall Protection

How do I work on my roof without falling? Tom asked, "When I do my new steep roof, how do I work upon it without falling off?" I strongly advise using a licensed contractor. See video. Having a question like this one asked I answered with a video. It is just a few ...


Q & A - Preliminary Lien Notice, Sounds Scary

What is a preliminary lien notice? Yes it does sound scary, but it is the law in California. A subcontractor or materials supplier shall provide you with this notice to protect their rights to record a lien if needed to recover the costs of labor and or materials delivered to your ...

old bur image

Q & A - Recover With Low Slope EPDM

Is using EPDM on a built-up asphalr roof advised? Nancy asked, "If your roof is Built-Up Asphalt would you use EPDM?" I always advise roof removal. There are too many unknowns when leaving the old low slope roof. Mixing two different types of roofing products is in my opinion, not a good ...

attic insulation baffles

Q & A - Raising the Roof - Plywood Buckling

Why are my shingles bulging/buckling? Ashley Asked, "My shingled roof is bulging/buckling. It’s not all over the roof, just in one spot, affecting about 10 shingles or so in a predominantly vertical direction. The shingles are flat to the surface, just bumped out. I looked in the attic, and it appears ...

upper and lower skylight flashing cropped

Skylights, How Many Do I Need?

There are multiple factors to consider when deciding how many skylights you want. I have always encouraged natural lighting. Not only does it save money on your lighting bill it just feels good having natural light in the home. Installing one or two skylights during the roofing process is a great time ...

rolling underlayment

Underlayment - Which is the Best for My Tile Roof?

Underlayments are very important to consider. Believe it or not, tile roofing systems will allow water to get below the tile and on to the underlayment. The flat tiles are worse compared to the valley profiles with humps and pans. This is one reason the battens have space every four feet ...


Q & A - Dark Shingles vs. Light Shingles

Are darker color roof shingles really that much hotter? Yes they are, it is just like a human, if you wear a dark shirt in the summer you will absorb more heat than if you wore a white shirt. The white or lighter colors are naturally reflective and will keep you ...


Q & A - Cabin Roof

Robert L. asked, "What is a good roof for my cabin that looks like shakes?" First of all, nothing looks and performs like real cedar shakes. So if that is what you want, I suggest you install the cedar shakes. Shakes now, have a fire rating of A, B, and C ...

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