A new homeowner from Virginia came for some advice about a troubling home inspection report. Getting a home inspection helps stop the surprises down the line, but they can reveal new information in the moment! Rolent, a first-time home buyer in Virginia, came looking for clarification on the information they recieved ...
Understanding the roofing warranty possibility with Bird Roofscape Plus shingles. Warranties are amazing, as long as they still apply. This homeowner turned to our AskARoofer experts for some help understanding the intricacies of their situation. Matt from New Jersey said: "Happy New Year! I found this site while trying to research the ...
Wanting to do the job right the first time, this homeowner asked for some advice about gutters for their metal corrugated roof. Craig, a homeowner from Texas, was looking to install gutters on his roof and asked: I have a metal corrugated roof, 8-9 on 12 pitch and about 3.5 inches of ...
When this homeowner set out to build a shed style house, they wanted to know which material would be best for their roof. Cathy, a homeowner in Newfoundland, Canada, has been building a shed style house and couldn’t decide on a roofing material. She sent in this question to our ...
Winter storms are hitting homeowners hard this year, causing a spike in roof repairs and replacements. The Metal Roofing Alliance offers practical advice to help homeowners make the best decisions and protect their investments when it comes to re-roofing. Imagine waking up to the nightmare scenario of a tree crashing onto ...
Entering a conversation without much background in the industry can be intimidating, especially when the numbers start growing. So a homeowner came to our experts for a bit of extra confidence. A question came in through AskARoofer from Gretchen, a homeowner in Pennsylvania. They asked: Hi! I have a mix of roofs ...
One of the big concerns during a home inspection is finding a damaged or improperly installed weight-bearing support beam. In order to get the best assessment possible, a follower came to our experts for a second opinion. A question came in through the AskARoofer Instagram page from a home inspector, asking ...
Working with a landlord to fix damage in an apartment can be challenging and frustrating for all parties. Mark reached out to our experts for some advice for handling a ceiling leak. A ceiling leak is a nightmare, and struggles with a landlord were just the cherry on top for Mark ...
The process of installation is just as important as the materials chosen when it comes to roofing. A homeowner wanted some clarification about the process of applying aluminum coating, so they asked our experts. A homeowner in Florida began the project of coating their metal roof to help it stand up ...
Good materials are only the start of a project, researching and asking clarifying questions about the installation process, like this homeowner did, are what set it up for success. Kathleen from Mississippi read an article on AAR which explained how copper strips can be used to extend the life of roof ...