Questions and Answers

Q&A Roof Buldge

Q&A – Is it Normal for my Roof’s Seam to Have a Bulge?

This Texas homeowner wanted to know if a bulge they found on their roof’s seam was standard. Jason, a homeowner in Texas, noticed a bulge at the seam of his roof while remodeling his home. Wanting to know if this was normal, he asked: I am in the middle of ...

Go Roof Tune Up Gable Vents

Q&A – Do I Need Gable Vents to Improve my Air Conditioning Function?

Despite having a new roof and siding installed in the last few years, this Pennsylvania homeowner is struggling to keep upstairs cool with her new air conditioning unit and turned to the experts for advice. Lyn, a homeowner in Pennsylvania who continues to battle the weather on her second floor, ...

Upper Loft Plan #3

Q&A - What do I Need to Know About Installing a Metal Roof on an RV Shop?

Planning to install a metal roof on his RV shop, this Oregon building owner wanted to know the facts about a few metal questions he had. Charles, who is planning to build a RV shop in Oregon, had a few questions for the roofing experts about metal roof installation and ...

AAR Q&A 7.18

Q&A – Is This Change in my Roofing Contract Reasonable?

This Pennsylvania homeowner wanted to know if a recent change in her roofing contract was a fair one. Kathy, a homeowner in Pennsylvania, signed a contract for a roof flashing job on her home. After the roofing contractor proposed a change to the contract, she was wondering if these changes ...

AAR Mystery Shingle 4

Q&A – Can You Help Identify My Mystery Shingle?

When their reroof failed after only 15 months and they couldn’t identify what kind of shingle they had, this Minnesota homeowner turned to the experts for help and answers. Homeowner Melanie from Minnesota had their home reroofed after a storm in Minnesota and just 15 months later it was already ...

AAR Q&A Leaky Roof

Q&A - Who is at Fault for This Leaky Roof?

Homeowner, Michelle, is curious who is at fault for a faulty rooftop AC installment. After a rooftop AC unit had caused leaks in the roof on three separate occasions, a Florida homeowner, Michelle, had both the roofers and the AC installers come out to fix it. This was her question: ...

AAR Rainwater Harvesting

Top 5 Homeowner Questions About Rainwater Harvesting

By Evelyn Witterholt. If you are interested in collecting and reusing rainwater, we have the answers to all your pressing questions. More and more people are looking for ways to make their homes as sustainable as possible. If you are a homeowner who is looking to adopt greener practices, you ...

Q&A OSB weight concern

Q&A – Roofer Wants to Overlay Decking With OSB, is This Necessary?

After his roofer suggested they overlay his decking with OSB, this Kentucky homeowner wanted a second opinion. Doug, a homeowner from Kentucky, was suggested by a roofer to overlay his decking with OSB. After feeling concerned about adding extra weight to his roof deck, he reached out to us and ...

AAR Concrete Tiles

Q&A – Where Can I Find These Concrete Tiles?

After having a hard time finding replacement concrete tiles for his roof, this California homeowner reached out to the experts for assistance. Josh, a homeowner from California, needed a few replacement concrete tiles for his roof. After struggling to find an exact match, he sent us this question: I have ...

aar - q and a - ridge vent install - ralph - georgia - 2023

Q&A – Should I Install Ridge Vents?

Working on reroofing a rental building he owns, this Georgia building owner wants to know if he should install ridge vents. Ralph, a building owner from Georgia, asked if he should consider adding ridgevents in his reroofing project. He asked: I will be reroofing a rental building that I own. ...

Showing: 51 - 60 of 229
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