Slate roofs are one of the longest-lasting roofs you could have and are found all over the world. It is not uncommon to see these rock roofs last 100-200 years I recently had this photo sent to me from Scotland. These beautifully aged stone roofs can be found on a ...
There are a couple ways to determine how many layers are on your roof without tearing it up. So you are thinking about a new roof and are wondering just how many roofs or layers you have up there. If you have an older home and you have not lived there ...
Understanding skip sheathing and its purpose. Meg asked, Why do I need to have new plywood. My home is in Roseville CA and my roofer says I have skip sheathing. I just don’t understand what he means. The roofer I am dealing with told me that would have a picture. ...
Is it better to roof over my existing roof or tear the roof off? It’s that time of year again when re-roofing is on the mind of many people. When thinking about doing an asphalt roof job, some people think they can save a few bucks by roofing over the old ...
The use of asbestos in roofing has some interesting history. Since the early 1900’s manufactures have used asbestos in different forms of roofing materials from tiles, mastic and roofing paper just to mention a few. Today I wanted to share a picture I took in 2004 in Elk Grove CA. Not ...
Steve asked, "Why does my valley have two different colors on it?" WOW, that’s a roof valley you don’t see every day. What you have is an area of the roof called a valley. The shiny straight line is called a W Valley and is most likely 18 inches – 24 ...
Learn the best way to bend cedar shingles without splitting and weave a closed valley with ease. Today I was asked by another roofer contractor how to frame a Canoe Valley and roof it with cedar shingles. In my attempt to answer his question, he became very confused so I Googled it ...
Barbara asked, "Can we lay over a roof that leaks?" "I am the president of a condo association. Our units are now 18 years old and need to be re-roofed. We have a few elderly men in our community who insist that we lay over the existing shingles rather than tear ...
There are multiple factors to consider when deciding how many skylights you want. I have always encouraged natural lighting. Not only does it save money on your lighting bill it just feels good having natural light in the home. Installing one or two skylights during the roofing process is a great time ...
Are darker color roof shingles really that much hotter? Yes they are, it is just like a human, if you wear a dark shirt in the summer you will absorb more heat than if you wore a white shirt. The white or lighter colors are naturally reflective and will keep you ...