By Evelyn Witterholt. These metal roofing products keep buildings and homes cool while lowering energy costs. Metal roofing is cool in more ways than one. Along with keeping homes and buildings cool, it also lowers energy costs and helps us move towards a more sustainable future! If you’re looking to install a ...
By Malarkey Roofing Products. Malarkey products help this build be the greenest it can be by offering unmatched sustainability and performance. Building the most energy-efficient home possible with only sustainably sourced and manufactured products is a lot to ask out of a home build. Add in the obstacles of ...
By Cass Jacoby. SITA installs solar panels on the roof of its Singapore office to make sustained emission reduction that diminishes their climate impact. Among the many benefits of going solar, one of the most well-known is reduced greenhouse gas emissions. When you use the sun to provide energy to ...
By Cass Jacoby. With urban heat as a growing issue in cities, NASA researchers look into the efficacy of green roofs as a solution. It is summertime in the city, and while plenty of us are rejoicing in the sunny weather, we are also lamenting that there is no ...
By Cass Jacoby. All-season smart roof coating technology uses physics to make roofs warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer. Cool roofs that have reflective coatings, membranes, shingles or tiles have been all the rage when it comes to energy efficiency. These systems work by reflecting back ...
By Evelyn Witterholt. With the solar roofing industry growing by the minute, here are some advancements to be aware of. When solar roofing first became commercially available in the 2000s, it seemed too expensive or inaccessible to the common consumer. Nowadays, it is not only more appealing to homeowners for ...
By Cass Jacoby. Should you choose monocrystalline or polycrystalline? We compared the two to help you make the best choice for your home. Did you know that there are different kinds of solar panels? That’s right, when it comes to solar power not all panels are created equal. Choosing ...
By Cass Jacoby. Green Canopy NODE looks to build sustainable and affordable homes fast. Homes are unarguably the center of our lives. And Green Canopy NODE is on a mission to change the current paradigm of housing by addressing the complex challenges within the industry itself. The construction sector ...
By Cass Jacoby. Did you know the color of your roof can be a climate change solution? After a summer of record heat waves with the temperature regularly climbing over 90 degrees it is no wonder that more and more building owners and cities are looking into roofing technology ...
By Cass Jacoby. New type of solar roof is backed by Tesla, the electric car maker, and looks like any other normal roof. Jake Hermeling is one of the first in Central Oregon to have a Tesla solar roof built on a house, but you would never be able ...