Antis Roofing & Waterproofing

Charles Antis Tradeshow Strategy

Set Yourself Apart at Home Shows

RCS Influencer Charles Antis shares ideas for how to make your business stand out at trade shows. Editor’s note: Watch the video to see and hear what Charles and Aaron Antis have to say about their company’s trade show strategy. You can read the transcript below the video, but we recommend seeing it for yourself.   Charles ...

RCS Business Success is Changing

Measuring Business Success is Changing

By Karen L. Edwards, RCS Editor. Before 2020, many businesses set key performance indicators (KPIs) that quickly measured success but it’s no longer that straightforward. In a recent Inc. article, Maria Haggerty, CEO of dotcom distribution writes “COVID-19 has changed business. How you measure success must change too.” She’s right. ...

Charles Antis Growing Your Business

Brand Elevation and Reputation Lead to Growth

RCS Influencer Charles Antis says that his company growth in 2021 will be fueled by taking care of his community.   Editor’s note: Watch the video to see and hear what Charles Antis has to say about growing his business in 2021. You can read the transcript below the video, but we recommend seeing it for yourself.   Karen ...

Heidi Ellsworth Giving Back

The Roofing Community Inspires Giving Back

RCS Influencer Heidi J. Ellsworth says that the roofing industry has a big heart, and its generosity inspires others to give. I am constantly inspired by my roofing friends and the roofing industry overall for their commitment to giving back. It inspires me every day and for this month’s Roofing ...

Charles Antis New Hires

Be ‘All In’ When Giving Back

RCS Influencer Charles Antis says that passion and commitment are what drive his company to support the community. Editor’s note: Watch the video to see and hear what Charles Antis has to say about giving back to the community. You can read the transcript below the video, but we recommend seeing it for yourself.  Karen Edwards: ...

Antis Roofing Giving Back

Antis Roofing Recognized for Giving Back to Families & Frontline Heroes

Company honored with two of the five awards for OneOC’s second annual Community Cup Challenge. Antis Roofing, Southern California’s best choice for comprehensive roofing and waterproofing that’s been keeping HOA families safe and dry since 1989, is proud to announce it has won two out of the five awards at OneOC’s ...

Leap Help your Business Grow

Education That Will Help Grow Your Business

By Lauren White, RCS Assistant Editor. Learn best practices and industry hot topics from Leap’s webinar series. Technology and marketing are constantly evolving, and it’s important to stay current with the changes or risk getting left behind. One way in which the digital marketing landscape has changed recently is with the ...

Charles Antis Trying New Products

Don’t Let Fear Stop You from Trying New Products

RCS Influencer Charles Antis says that sometimes fear of failure can play a role in your decision to try something new, but don’t let it. The question this month on Roofer's Coffee Shop is what makes me try new products. I'm Charles Antis, CEO here at Antis Roofing ...

NRCA New Podcast

National Roofing Contractors Association Launches Podcast Series

The National Roofing Contractors Association has launched a new podcast series, “Stories of an Extraordinary Industry.” Episodes will share roofing professionals’ firsthand accounts of their meaningful experiences and stories of inspiration, generosity and success in the roofing industry. In the first episode, “House Flipper to Roofing Industry Leader,” sponsored by Owens ...

Antis Ronald McDonald House

Antis Roofing Honors NRCA Celebrating Anniversary of Ronald McDonald House Partnership

165 Ronald McDonald Houses in the U.S. adopted by members of the National Roofing Contractors Association. On June 13, 2019, all 165 Ronald McDonald Houses were officially adopted in the United States by roofing professionals that are members of the National Roofing Contractors Association. This milestone concluded a campaign that ...

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