3 Ways to Make Sure Your Roof Meets Safety Requirements

Tremco Safety Expert
August 7, 2023 at 12:00 p.m.

By Evelyn Witterholt. 

To avoid OSHA violations and possible fines, building owners must prioritize rooftop safety. 

Did you know that in 2022, the number-one most-cited Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) standard was fall protection? Building owners who want to repair or replace their roof in the future must prioritize safety, especially fall protection. Seeing as falls are also the leading cause of construction deaths, it is crucial to implement safe practices for crews working on your roof. 

Here are three ways building owners’ roofs can meet OSHA safety requirements and protect roofing crews: 

1 – Make a plan 

When you are planning for your future roof repair or replacement, you want to do your research on how to make your roof as safe as possible to be worked on. Tremco Roofing has a handy OSHA reference sheet on the most common rooftop safety regulations. Examine your roof according to these standards and this will help you determine what equipment your roof needs to be considered safe by OSHA. 

2 – Provide proper safety equipment 

If you find that you need to install safety equipment, and chances are you will, there’s an easy way to do so. Tremco Roofing offers a whole line of rooftop safety solutions, from walkways to guard rails to crossovers. Not only that, but they also offer free roof evaluations where one of their representatives will do the legwork of examining your roof and determining exactly what safety equipment it needs.  

3 – Train whoever will be on your roof 

Once you have safety equipment installed, you will want to ensure that whoever is going to be on your roof is properly trained on how to use your new equipment. Don’t limit your training to just those who are repairing or replacing your roof. If you have a designated maintenance person, you’ll want them to be trained in how to use the equipment and recognize potential roof hazards. Failing to do so could cost them their lives. 

Learn more about Tremco’s rooftop safety solutions.

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About Evelyn 

Evelyn works as a writer for RoofersCoffeeShop, MetalCoffeeShop and AskARoofer. When she isn’t writing about roofing, she’s either at the gym lifting weights or curled up on the couch watching a movie. 

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