Asphalt Shingles...What is the Best Roof for Me?

November 13, 2014 at 12:00 a.m.

Tips to determine which roof will be best for you.

This question is one of the most asked of us at AskARoofer

All roofers have a few favorites and we invite the roofers that visit this Blog to make a comment at the bottom of the page. What shingle do you prefer? What makes a great shingle?

In my dealings with homeowners, looks are important to people. They want a good-looking roof to welcome them home every day. Costs of that roof are also a contributing factor. A new roof is one of the biggest home improvements you will make. The history of the shingle plays a part. Homeowners want a shingle that has a good track record over many years. The last thing anyone wants to hear is “Product failure.” Performance in harsh conditions to protect the families home from the elements is a must and then manufactures warranties give some homeowners “peace of mind” on the investment of that roof.

Cost of a roof, looks of a home, performance of the shingle, are the main concerns.

So to answer that question can be difficult. The many different climates can make some shingles better than others. It is up to you to do the research and listen to your roofing contractors' reason for his preference. My advice is to take a Saturday afternoon and drive around the neighborhood looking at roofs. See what you like and dislike. Write down the addresses of the home you like and give the list to your contractors giving you estimates. Let them identify those roofs for you. By doing this it also may help in picking a roofer by the education, or lack of education he gives you and willingness to help you make the right choice for your family home.

Don’t be afraid to walk up and ask your neighbors what color and manufacturer made the shingles on their roof. Owners of a new roof are typically very proud of it and are more than willing to share that information. Visit the manufacturer's websites to do your research. They are very detailed and it really does not take that much time for the amount of money you are going to spend.

So to answer that question, What is the best shingle out there? Only you can answer that question after you do your homework.

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