Don’t compromise your building’s HVAC performance

WTI Obstructed HVAC
March 18, 2024 at 6:00 a.m.

By Pure Air Control Services, WTI. 

Proactive maintenance and proper air filtration can minimize the risk of obstruction, ensuring the health and efficiency of a building’s HVAC system. 

Particularly in commercial buildings, institutional facilities and medical buildings, the proper functioning of the HVAC system is crucial for maintaining a comfortable, healthy and productive environment. One of the more common issues in these systems occurs when HVAC coils are obstructed, causing system inefficiencies and other problems. At Weatherproofing Technologies Incorporated (WTI) Pure Air, we want to help mitigate the consequences related to this recurring issue by diving into potential consequences of ignoring the problem and providing recommendations for current solutions in the industry. 

The domino effect of obstructed HVAC coils: 

Within the complex web of HVAC components, the coils play a critical role in facilitating efficient heat exchange. When these coils become obstructed by debris or contaminants, the repercussions can permeate throughout the entire system. Reduced heat exchange efficiency leads to escalated energy consumption, increased utility costs and an overall compromised HVAC performance. 

Effects on HVAC system operation: 

  1. Diminished cooling capacity: Obstructed coils hinder the heat exchange process, resulting in a decline in the system’s cooling capacity. This can lead to insufficient cooling, causing discomfort for occupants and potential harm to sensitive equipment. 
  2. Elevated energy consumption: Inefficiencies caused by obstructed coils force the HVAC system to exert more effort in maintaining desired temperatures. This heightened workload translates into increased energy consumption, contributing to higher operational costs. 
  3. Compromised air quality: As obstructed coils struggle to cool the air efficiently, moisture buildup becomes more likely, creating an environment conducive to mold and bacteria growth. This jeopardizes indoor air quality, posing health risks for occupants. 

Recommendations for mitigating obstructed HVAC coils: 

  1. Routine maintenance: Establish a proactive maintenance schedule to regularly inspect and clean HVAC coils. This preventive approach ensures the timely identification and resolution of potential obstructions before they significantly impact system performance. 
  2. Enhanced air filtration: Upgrade air filtration systems to capture and prevent airborne particles from reaching the HVAC coils. This proactive measure reduces the accumulation of contaminants, minimizing the risk of obstruction. 
  3. System assessments: Conduct periodic audits of the HVAC system to identify and rectify issues promptly. A comprehensive assessment can pinpoint inefficiencies, including obstructed coils, allowing for timely corrective measures. 

In conclusion, prioritizing the health and efficiency of HVAC systems in facilities is paramount. By understanding the consequences of obstructed HVAC coils, facility managers and technicians can implement proactive measures to optimize system performance, curtail energy consumption, and elevate overall building comfort. 

For our part, WTI Pure Air can help find and solve issues with obstructed HVAC coils in your air handler units. Contact us today to get started with HVAC testing, cleaning and restoration. 

Source: National Environmental Balancing Bureau (NEBB) – NEBB Technical Retro-Commissioning Procedures, []( 

Original article source: WTI

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