Free Roof Donated to Veteran in Need

RCS Free Donated Roof to Veteran
November 12, 2022 at 6:00 a.m.

By Alec Doniger.  

In gratitude for Robert Nelson’s service, partners with the Owens Corning Roof Deployment Project have come together to install a new roof on his home. 

Robert Nelson, an Army veteran who lives in Town ‘n’ Country (a town just northwest of Tampa, Florida), had been struggling to make ends meet financially. This made it impossible for him to replace his roof. The roof, which leaked, had steadily been making his living situation more intolerable over time. Luckily for Robert, Owens Corning Roofing has been helping veteran families with free new roofs since 2016 and his home was chosen as a recipient of a new roof.  

Through Southeastern Roofing and Construction’s partnership with Purple Heart Homes, Robert was selected and approved as the winner of a free roof. Crews from Southeastern Roofing and Construction, an Owens Corning Platinum Preferred Contractor, installed the roof in July, providing this veteran with a warm and secure place to live. 

“It’s kind of unbelievable,” Robert exclaimed in an interview with 10 Tampa Bay. “I just didn’t know what I was going to do.”  

It’s these acts of kindness that make the biggest difference in the lives of veterans like Robert. A roof is something many don’t think about until it needs repairing or replacing. The cost of repairs deters people from getting theirs replaced, only to find that this leads to bigger problems. Southeastern Roofing & Construction knows that our veterans deserve leak-free roofs, and this new roof made all the difference for Robert. 

Robert is not the only one to benefit from such generosity. Over 350 families have received new roofs free of charge through the Owens Corning Roof Deployment Project, which is made possible through the kind-heartedness of those in the roofing industry. Southeastern Roofing and Construction is just one of Owens Corning’s 300 partnered contractors committed to the project. This widespread dedication to improving veteran’s homes has made a substantial impact. As this attitude of gratitude stays alive in the roofing industry, the future for our veteran population looks bright. 

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About Alec

Alec is a reporter for RoofersCoffeeShop, MetalCoffeeShop and AskARoofer. You might catch him playing drums around Denver when he isn’t writing about roofs.

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