Hardware Store’s Roof Still Looks New Ten Years Later

Quarrix Hardware Store
December 17, 2022 at 6:00 a.m.

By Quarrix. 

This charming hardware store’s red roof has withstood the test of time thanks to its composite roofing tiles. 

Since 1986, Nicollet Hardware has been a mainstay in the Kingfield neighborhood of Minneapolis, Minnesota. Owner Julene Lind purchased the 4,000 square foot location, and a few years later she expanded her store by buying two buildings next door to it. Soon, the quaint hardware store grew to a massive 15,000 square feet and Julene couldn’t be happier. It is well known in the community as a place with a caring environment and a memorable red roof.  

Julene and Steve renovated their ACE with Quarrix Composite Roofing in 2007. The Double Roman tile profile and Desert Red color were chosen to accent the roof, and adds to its beauty and character. It’s been 10 years since the composite tile roof was installed and the tile roof looks like it was installed yesterday with no signs of wear, tear, cracks or fading. Ten years later Julene still loves the roof and says, “We have never regretted our roof choice ─ it was the perfect choice!” 

Minneapolis, Minnesota is an area of the United States that has wide temperature swings of up to 100 degrees throughout the year. In the winter, temperatures can dip to a low of -30°F and in the summer reach as high as 100°F. Quarrix composite tile is proven to withstand the harshest cold and hot weather climates, and being Class 4 impact tested it is able to withstand Minnesota’s hail storms. Julene and Steve have been owners of Nicollet Hardware for over 30 years, and are looking forward to another 30 years. With Quarrix’s 50-year composite roof warranty, they are all set and ready to go! 

Project details 

  • Profile: Double Roman 

  • Tile color: Desert Red 

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Original article source: Quarrix

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