Q & A - Loading a Roof Safely Causing Penetrations

November 12, 2014 at 12:00 a.m.

When the 2×4’s are pulled up, should the roofer cover the nail holes that went through the double layer of felt by nailing?

Rick asked, "I’m right in the middle of a re-roof job.  The demo is completed, plywood installed and double layers of Fontana 40 felt covers the roof top. We are installing Boral Cedarlite 600 concrete tile. The roof is 7/12 pitch. My roofer roof-loaded the tile yesterday and in order to keep the tile on the roof for access, they nailed 8, 2x4x8’s onto the upper areas of the roof to hold stacks of tile for staging purposes. My question: when the 2×4’s are pulled up, should the roofer be doing anything to cover over the nail holes that went through the double layer of felt by nailing in the temporary 2×4’s?  Thanks, Rick"

Any damage to the underlayment needs to be repaired. No matter who says “moisture never gets to the felt”, they are wrong. WATER GETS UNDER TILE ! Not a lot, but it doesn’t take much to be a problem. Some roofers will argue that “the tiles get nailed away” and that is true but the 2×4 will be pulled, leaving empty holes. 30.25 degrees is a fast roof and water will move downward quickly but ask your roofer would he like holes in his new roof it this was his home and is he willing to take that chance of a leak?

It is common during the roofing process, to tear, rip and cut the underlayment working with saws sharp metal and utility knives. It just happens. My crews, when a damaged area is discovered, use a bright yellow marker to mark the damaged area and it would be seen by everyone, then repaired, just before the tile is laid over that area.

This not a real big deal, the roofer has to stage some of the tiles safely near the roof top but there is no way the whole load could be stack there. It is used as a staging area while the roofing tiles are installed below. I am sure he will do what’s needed to keep your new felt protected and or repaired as needed.

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