Protect Your Home From Leaks and Pests With ProTect Drain Mat

Quarrix ProTect Drain Mat
December 16, 2021 at 6:00 a.m.

By Evelyn Witterholt. 

This breathable, moisture resistant drain mat prevents water from damaging your walls. 

Although rainy weather can be nice from time to time, the potential for leaks and mold in the walls of your home is anything but pleasant. When moisture accumulates in the layers of your walls, this can also attract insects into your home. Thankfully Quarrix ProTect Drain Mat is resistant to these problems and more. The ProTect Drain Mat lines the inside of your walls with a breathable material that is specially tailored to keep moisture and pests out of your home. 

ProTect Drain Mat is made of a 3D non-woven material that is 95% open and resistant to moisture. It is compression resistant, meaning it won’t shrink over time. It also has a Class A fire rating, so it’s unlikely to burn, nor will it contribute fuel to a potential fire. 

When lined between the walls of your home, the mat makes any trapped water run off easily and its open structure promotes maximum drying. That way your walls won’t face expensive damage caused by leaks and excess moisture.  

With no moisture trapped in the walls, pests are less likely to enter your home. For the pests who still try to get into your house, the drain mat has an extra flap of filter fabric that acts as an insect screen at the top and bottom of the wall. 

ProTect Drain Mat can be used with these siding materials

  • Fiber cement 

  • Wood  

  • Stone 

  • Lap siding 

  • Shakes 

  • Board and batten 

  • Open-joint systems 

Installation is simple, requiring only a sharp object to cut the mat, a hammer or nail gun and corrosion resistant nails to hold the mat in place. More information on how to install the mat can be found here. 

With the ProTect Drain Mat, you and your walls can breathe easy knowing that moisture and pests are staying out of your home. 

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About Evelyn

Evelyn works as a writer for RoofersCoffeeShop and AskARoofer. When she isn’t writing about roofing, she’s either at the gym lifting weights or curled up on the couch watching a movie.

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