Q&A – How do I Fix a Leak in My Mobile Home?

Q&A Mobile Home Leak
March 27, 2023 at 6:00 a.m.

This Minnesota homeowner discovered a leak where the addition meets their house and turned to the experts for advice. 

Heidi, a homeowner in Minnesota, discovered a leak and wanted to know the best way to go about fixing it. Heidi asked: 

I live in a mobile home with an addition and it’s leaking water where the addition meets the house, but not at the edge of the external walls, but about three feet in on the wall that meets the house. How do I find the leak to fix it? 

One of our roofing experts, John Kenney from Cotney Consulting Group, says: 

Going off the information you provided, without seeing the conditions, this is my best opinion of the cause. There is a problem between the old and new connections. Either there is damage further up the roof, or the connection is not sealed correctly, and the water is getting in at that point. Water can travel away from the source of entry, so it is not uncommon for the leak to show up inside the house a few feet away from the connection of the addition.  

Another roofing expert, Marty Stout from Go Roof Tune Up, says: 

We suggest you contact a local roofing contractor that has experience with mobile home repair and have them look at it. Contact a local roofing supply company or a local mobile home dealer and ask for a reference. Do not try to repair your roof yourself. 

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