Q&A – How to make a metal roof quieter

Q&A – How to make a metal roof quieter
May 10, 2024 at 6:00 a.m.

When noise levels on their metal roof grew to be frustrating, this homeowner came to our AskARoofer experts for some advice.

Brian, a homeowner in Florida, was looking for solutions to a noisy, metal roof. They asked:

I have a metal roof with no underlayment, just the bare metal and it is so loud. My question is: if I add 1/2 inch osb under it will it really help with the sound or do i need to add more like the roofing foil which looks like bubble wrap... thank you in advance.

One of our resident roofing experts, Henry Staggs, had this to say in response:

Typically, the sound proofing is done with insulation boards and or a specialized underlayment. Unless he wants to take the metal off and start over again. He would need to climb up in the atic and use a sound barrier there. Same as they use in sound studios. Which can get costly as well.

My best advice is to that remove the metal, install an underlayment. Also, I would be concerned about vapor and condensation if there is nothing between the metal and the wood.

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About Henry Staggs

Henry Staggs is a roofing expert offering roofing education, due diligence inspections and expert witness service services. He is also an NCCER Master Trainer and NRCA Qualified Trainer. He has published a book on how to find, hire and work with a roofing contractor in Arizona. He was the AZ-RCI branch liaison in 2018, representing the Arizona chapter of the International Institute of Building Enclosure Consultants (IIBEC).

Learn more about Henry Staggs in his Coffee Shop directory.

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