Q&A – Is My Exhaust Vent Causing a Leak?

Q & A Exhaust pipe leaking
August 2, 2022 at 6:00 a.m.

Faced with a new leak after a rainstorm, this New Jersey homeowner wanted to confirm the source of the leak and the best solution to the problem. 

James, a New Jersey homeowner, noticed a water leak coming from above the stove after a rainstorm. Wanting to know what the cause might be and how to fix it, James turned to the experts and asked: 

We recently had a rainstorm and there were no leaks, but all of sudden there was water coming from above our stove. We have a microwave above our stove and there was only a little bit of water inside the microwave. That's why I'm thinking it was coming from the exhaust vent. How can I confirm the source of this issue and what would be the solution to this leak? Is this an issue that would have long-term or severe costs? 

Below is what our roofing expert Lorie Herman from Farrell Roofing in Pennsylvania had to say in response: 

How can I confirm the source of this issue? Where the exhaust vent comes out of the roof verify there are no screw holes, cracks or nails backing out. If there are, refasten or seal the vent where it is exposed with caulk (all-purpose sealant) or roof cement on the roof itself.   

Is this an issue that would have long-term or severe costs? If the leak area is not found and repaired it could cause rot on the roof system, however, a repair of the things we listed above would be a minimal charge. 

Our resident expert roofer, John Stout with Go Roof Tune Up™, also had some helpful advice for this New Jersey homeowner: 

On occasion, water will puddle and the leak will not be observed until after the rain ceases. The leak is showing up in the area of the exhaust hood and vent. I suspect that the source of water intrusion is related to the exhaust vent. It will be necessary to inspect the vent on the roof. It may be deteriorated or damaged and need to be replaced or repaired. 

This is an issue that could become an expensive repair if not taken care of. We recommend having a roof professional look at the problem and initiate a proper repair. 

If you do not have a roofer that does your regular maintenance, go to rooferscoffeeshop.com and request a recommendation for a qualified roofer in your area. 

I hope this information is helpful. There are not many things more irritating than a leaky roof. 

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Disclaimer: The information provided on AskARoofer.com or information sent by emails is the opinion of the writers. It is the responsibility of the reader to check for accuracy in one's own jurisdiction, as there are different codes and restrictions for different parts of the country. AskARoofer.com does not accept any liability for the use of information on this website or email. AskARoofer.com has no controls over product failures, installation, or climate conditions that may change the roofing process in your area. Our information is in general to our area and cannot be the same as your local town or state. It is advised to seek the local Building Department, Licensed Contractor, and local Product Representative for proper installation requirements and code enforcement when installing a new roof. 

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