Q&A – Making sure the finishing details are right

Kyle Nurimen - Q&A – Making sure the finishing details are right
May 12, 2024 at 6:00 a.m.

This homeowner noticed that some metal was overlapping their drip edge and wanted to know if that was right.

Tony, a homeowner in Florida, was having work done on their house and noticed that the flashing on their roof looked a bit odd. This is what they asked:

Essentially, I had some rotten wood right at the end of two valleys that are above my front door. The roofers put flashing down the valleys and then shingled over it. Afterwards, they cut the flashing pushed it down, and said it’s all done. That’s how it has to be to prevent water from wicking up into the plywood and rotting. The cut flashing was jagged and bowed out. Cosmetically, it looked terrible and the poor workmanship did not convince me it would prevent water from wicking up. The flashing also went over the drip edging which is black. The project manager came out and tried to fix it by painting the flashing and straightening the cut. He was unsuccessful. They now claim this is the only way this can be finished to pass inspection. I’ve included pictures also. Thank you for any advice you have.

One of our roofing experts, Kyle Nurminen with Total Roofing Systems - The Metal Roof Experts responded:

This, unfortunately, is what happens when architects design outside the capabilities of the products specified. Is this poor workmanship? Perhaps; but, I really do not know enough about the overall situation - which other systems were recommended, or the qualifications/expectations put forth by the homeowner from their contractor - to make a judgement that could point blame in any other direction. I would not expect a contractor who does only shingle roofing to know exactly how to handle this situation. Not knowing if that is even the case here, I would say the contractor did his best to make an ugly situation right under the given circumstances. And, although I think metal roofing may have offered some more flexibility in finishing this detail more professionally, the majority of skilled craftsmen in that sector of our industry would probably still struggle with how to best finish off this detail.

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Total Roofing Systems “THE METAL ROOF EXPERTS” is the combination of compromise and experience that can only be earned from over 25 years of experience in the roofing industry. Service and dedication to the community has become a family tradition passed down from the elders of the family to the next generations. With dedication and pride the main purpose has always been and always will be, the work well done and an exceptional customer satisfaction. From the Florida Keys to Orlando, we have the capability to take on most roofing projects along the east coast and selected areas of the State. Our specialty and focus are Metal Roofing. This experience is so vast that back in 2018 we decided to trademark the name “The Metal Roof Experts”.

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