Q&A - Stopping a roof valley leak

Q&A - Stopping a roof valley leak
April 20, 2024 at 6:00 a.m.

A Virginia homeowner wanted to check in with our roofing experts before tackling a home project to investigate a roof valley leak.

Jeff from Virginia has been dealing with a leak in their roof valley and looking for ways to repair it, so they asked our experts:

Hello. I have a roof valley that leaks quite badly and would love some advice on fixing this as I plan to have a go myself. Where is the water likely to be coming from and will it help if I replace the felt underneath on that section. Any advice would be most grateful. Thanks

One of our expert roofers, Henry Staggs, saw his question and responded with the following video:

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April 25, 2024
Hello roofing experts. I'm coming here to see if they I could please get some advise from those who know. Please excuse me if I don't use the correct lingo or say anything that might offend, I'm pretty uneducated in the ways of building and construction so that's why I'm seeking expert opinions Little background first. I live in the Phoenix AZ area and have a two story tile (cement or ceramic, not sure what's it made out of) roof home that is 15 years old. 3 years ago our roof developed a leak that was made known during a heavy monsoon. We had it fixed by a family friend that is roofer by trade. A couple months later it happens again. So our friend does more repairs but lets us know our house had bad underlayment and he had to replace a larger area this time to ensure it would work. He told us all the house's around us built during the housing boom had inadequate underlayment. 2 more years go by and this last summer during a heavy monsoon storm a new leak happened in a different room. So this has got me wanting to look into getting the whole roof redone with new underlayment. So I guess I'm asking how to make sure I hire a good company that will not rip me off. That family friend who fixed it the first time recommended I need to have Fontana G40 put down and he also said to make sure they are using new materials and not seconds or left overs. What are some things I can do as a homeowner to ensure I get quality work at a fair price. click https://www.goldentreeroofing.com/annandale-va.php Thanks in advance.

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