Q&A – TU Max Exposed for 180 Days

Go Roof Tune Up TU Max Exposed
October 25, 2021 at 6:00 a.m.

A Florida homeowner was curious about the risks of TU Max being exposed more than 180 days and what the remedy might be. 

Philip, a homeowner in Florida, had this question regarding TU Max: 

“What is the down side or risk if TU Max is exposed more than 180 days before covered? What is the remedy?” 

Our resident expert roofer, John Stout with Go Roof Tune Up™, had this to say in response: 

One question would be how (if at all) it would affect your warranty.   

TU Max is rated at 90-day exposure. 

TU Max Plus is rated at 180-day exposure.   

With either of these products, it would be advisable to do a diligent inspection of the underlay prior to installing the surface material (Tile).  TU Max has definite repair procedures outlined to best repair cuts, tears or damage caused by traffic, etc.  Follow the repair procedures using modified cement and adhesive compatible with TU Max specifications.  

If serious UV damage is apparent, it would be advisable to do necessary repair or approved coating to eliminate future failure of the underlay.  Check with your roofer to determine if it is TU Max (90 day) or TU Max Plus (180 day).  The product is still good after 180 days. 

I hope this information will be of some help to you. Your friends at AskARoofer. 

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About Go Roof Tune Up™

Go Roof Tune Up™ is the premier provider of roofing services including repair, maintenance and replacement. We currently offer services in a number of states and the list is growing regularly. We work with homeowners, real estate professionals, property managers and home investors. Because of our extensive roof repair experience, Go Roof Tune Up™ can confidently offer you an exclusive 5 years no Leaks Limited Warranty- on your ENTIRE ROOF! 

Go Roof Tune Up™ is comprised of certified roofing professionals and expert craftsmen with a senior management team of a combined 140 years of roofing experience. With this experience and continuing education for all team members we are convinced that roof maintenance is the best way to ensure the longevity of a roof and that by far most roofs can be repaired rather than replaced.

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