Q&A – Will a Cricket Solve my Gable Drainage Issues?

snow accumulation gable drainage
April 8, 2022 at 6:00 a.m.

Realizing that the extended roof line was causing snow accumulation and drainage issues, this California homeowner reached out for answers. 

Scott from California is wondering if installing a cricket will help remedy the gable drainage issues on his roof or cause more issues. He reached out asking: 

Hello there! We’re looking to replace our roof shingles soon but need advice on the gable portion over the front door (see pic above). The previous owners extended the roof line to protect the front door from snow but in doing so have created a problem with snow accumulation and drainage between the gables. Would installing a cricket work? Or would that just compound the problem with snow accumulation? I'm hoping you can help with this issue. Thank you in advance. 

Below is what our roofing expert, John Stout with Go Roof Tune Up™, had to say in response:  

The most interesting questions are the ones without simple answers. You provided a simple answer to your question. However, it is not what you are looking for.   

Building a cricket would have the effect of moving the problem spot over a few feet. Is your problem with the accumulation of snow related to the snow load? Is the problem the accumulation of ice as snow melts? Icicles can be very beautiful, but destructive. Your gutter contractor can construct a custom fitted, heated gutter that could solve your problem. 

A universal recommendation is to clean the gutters prior to the snowstorm. Harry Helmet has a product at Helmet Heat that automatically prevents ice dams from forming. With a good strong gutter system, along with the Helmet Heat (or similar), you may have a very satisfactory system.   

Thank you for a very interesting question! I hope this information steers you in the right direction.   

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