Roofers Lingo

January 15, 2014 at 12:00 a.m.

Terms the roofers use some times can be confusing and very frustrating to understand.

As you schedule meeting to get estimates from roofers you will notice some estimators use almost, what sounds like, a foreign language. Terms like Hot Mop it, Torch a Bitumen Roll, Paint the Flashings, Cut the Hips, Install a Zipper, Vents in your Soffit, Pre-paint the Fascia, To the Weather, The Hog Valley, Colored Rake Metal and so on, and so on. No wonder this guy looks like he does. I have seen that deer in the headlights look, as homeowners look at you cross-eyed. They don’t want to appear dumb and stop to ask what the heck are you talking about.

You need to understand what you are buying when it comes to a roof

It is very important to know what is in your contract and understanding the scope of work and the terms describing it. As homeowners, it is your responsibility to know what you are buying. Please refer to this page for some basic terms regarding steep slope residential roofs. It will provide you with the roofing terms and some photos to help explain and understand better the roofer's lingo. ROOFERS LINGO. Take some time and ask what a phrase means, so you are clear as to what is going to happen when your roofing.


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Michel Clarke
January 21, 2014
Thanks for sharing this roofing information. Roofs are very costly these days, so its best to always ask questions about the roof estimate before signing a contract. On all my roof estimates I try to provide full instruction about the roofing process, fro

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