The Roofing Industry Pulls Together to Help the City of Wortham, Texas Get Drinking Water

RCS Texas Drinking Water
April 28, 2021 at 2:00 p.m.

By Cass Jacoby, RCS Reporter. 

Supreme Roofing, Walmart and RoofConnect Work together to supply the Wortham ISD school system clean drinking water. 

The CEO of Supreme Roofing, Tim Rainey, was in the mayor's office when he first heard about water supply issues. Tim and his wife moved to Wortham three years ago and have been looking to get involved with the city. He has always been community minded, spearheading numerous community service projects, including the roofing project for The Women's Center of Tarrant County.  

The city of Wortham was hit hard by the recent winter storms in Texas, and the mayor had mentioned this in their meeting where Tom was introducing himself. "The city needed drinking water," Tim said, "and they had no resources; the small towns don't get it picked up." This bothered Tim on the drive home. "I was thinking, 'I gotta know someone who can help.'"  

Tim started making calls. He reached out to David Workman with RoofConnect, a national organization with some of the country's best contractors. RoofConnect works with Walmart for disaster relief. Tim called David, who called Walmart and a day and a half later, Walmart delivered a truck of water to Wortham.   

"Walmart really stepped up to help the city of Wortham," said Tim. "[I’m] really glad to help. It's incredible how many of their people got involved to make sure it happened. I can't thank them enough."  

RoofConnect's website reads, "It was our honor to help the people of Wortham, Texas in their time of need! Thank you to Supreme Roofing for reaching out, and especially thank you to Walmart for helping us get it done!"   

This act of community service demonstrates that Supreme Roofing’s slogan “Roofing. Done. Right.” can be extended to mean “Roofing. Doing. Right.” 

Do you know of someone in the industry who is ‘doing good deeds’ in their community? Help us catch them at it. Send news and information to 

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