By Cass Jacoby, RCS Reporter.
Icicles are a beautiful part of winter, but they can indicate a serious problem that is happening with your roof— an ice dam. An ice dam happens when the ridges of ice that forms around the edge of your roof prevent snow from draining off. As the building heat under the roof melts the surface snow resting on it, water pools on the roof because the ice creates a barrier the runoff can’t pass.
Ice dams can cause leaking, possible interior damage and gutter damage. If you are currently experiencing a leak after a big snowstorm, chances are it has been caused by ice damming. You can spot an ice dam by checking to see if icicles are weighing your gutters down with snow piling up behind it.
If you suspect you have an ice dam on your roof, here are some things you can do to temper the problem:
Don’t get on the roof! Even professionals aren’t working on roofs when a snowstorm hits. Additionally, don’t use a hammer or chisel to remove the ice, it can damage your roof layers and it is really dangerous.
Bliss Roofing recommends you keep your feet planted safely on the ground and use a long-handled bristle/scrub brush of a flat roof rake to gently pull the snow and ice off the roof near the gutter edge. Watch out for minor snow avalanches as the backed-up snow falls off the roof.
Remember to check your attic areas when the weather turns to wind-driven snow. Snow can come in through exhaust vents and pile in the attic. When the attic warms the snow, it will then leak into your home.
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