What is Supercap SBS Roll Roofing?

MBTech Supercap SBS Roll
August 3, 2021 at 6:00 a.m.

By Cass Jacoby, RCS Reporter. 

This economic system offers a high-quality roll roofing with double the benefits. 

Supercap SBS is an SBS modified asphalt mineral surfaced roll roofing membrane reinforced with a fiberglass mat. Supercap SBS Rubberized Asphalt is a synthetic rubber that boosts the asphalts performance, offering superior durability and flexibility. 

Supercap SBS additionally has better granular adhesion and weathering capabilities than mineral surface roll roofing. These modified membranes exhibit high multi-directional strength and excellent cold temperature flexibility superior to traditional asphalt roofing membranes. With these outstanding properties, Supercap SBS provides excellent resistance to “thermal shock,” a major contributor to roof failure. 

The system offers an alternative to BUR or APP torch membranes at a competitive price. Additionally,  Supercap SBS offers versatility of application with hot asphalt, cold adhesive or heat weld application.

As you can see in the motion graphics of their video, this membrane is ideal for flat roofs, Supercap SBS lays flat because it is heavier than other surface rolls and is waterproof. However, Supercap SBS can also be used as underlayment for tile roofs. Supercap SBS is available in ten different solid and shingle blends, making it optimal for color blending with shingles. 

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About MBTechnology 

MBTechnology was founded in 1983 and specializes in manufacturing SBS Modified Bitumen Roofing & Underlayment systems. These include a variety of systems, which can be applied through the use of cold adhesives, heat welding, or hot asphalt. The company specializes in manufacturing SBS-modified asphalt (bitumen) roofing membranes for residential and commercial application. The basic technology was developed in Europe and is one of the fastest-growing segments of both the commercial and residential roofing markets. 

Since 1983, MBTechnology has been committed to a single idea - engineering affordable premium roofing and underlayment systems that are better than any others on the market. At MBTechnology we recognize the value of not only providing quality products but also back it with details, specifications and inspections.

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