ask a roofer

brain works

Preparing for a Roofing Estimate

When considering putting on a new roof on your home, it is important for the consumer to do a few things before the roofers show up at your house. Most people struggle with who to call. They may ask, if they really need a roof or if they can get by ...

wrinkled felt

Wet Felt Paper, Can I Roof Over It?

Is it ok to shingle over wet felt? What should I do? Now that we are well into fall and the rainy days are here, I get asked this question many times about wet or damp felt. Is it ok to shingle over wet felt? The felt as you know is ...


Q & A - Correct Way to Nail a Ridge Cap

Learn how to nail a ridge cap correctly. When installing the ridge cap shingles they should be nailed with at least two nails per shingle and use a nail long enough to go through the sheathing or into it 3/4 of an inch, then the next ridge cap is laid over ...


Is your roofer listening to you?

If your roofer is not listening to you, it could mean trouble later. Most people who have a conversation talk back and forth. We are sharing what happened during the day or what is new in our lives. When negotiating with a roofing contractor it is a good idea to ask ...

cedar shakes

Cedar Shakes - A Lost Art

The lost art of installing cedar shakes. Yes, these are beautiful roofs but there are not as many cedar shake roofs being installed like once before. The high cost of running a lumber mill and tree hungers tying up the harvesting of the forests to save the spotted owls and other ...


A Roof That Costs a Lot of Clams

A roof that costs a lot of clams or not? Roofing is one of the most expensive investments for your home. From roof removal, dry-rot-repairs, permit cost and the labor with materials. It can be thousands of dollars. Roof covers are made from many kinds of materials from asphalt, steel, concrete, ...


See a Roof that is 230 feet long

Up in the Sierras of California, there is a small town called Bridgeport. It was established when the miners came looking for gold. It is said that “more money was made selling staples to the miners than the miners made finding gold.” This was also true when having to make your ...

slate roofing

What is a Slate Roof?

Slate roofs are one of the longest-lasting roofs you could have and are found all over the world. It is not uncommon to see these rock roofs last 100-200 years I recently had this photo sent to me from Scotland. These beautifully aged stone roofs can be found on a ...

open stand 1

What’s Wrong With This Picture? #4

What’s wrong with this picture? Another thank you to Charles Buell Inspections for allowing us to use this picture. A. Rusty Flashing. B. ABS pipe too close to the valley. C. Bad rubber seal. D. Comp base flashing. E. All of the above Answer ---> E <--- Have a question? AskARoofer. Find your local roofing contractor in the RoofersCoffeeShop® Contractor ...


AskARoofer - What is it? Another Interesting Tool!

What is this roofing tool used for? I have used this tool for many years in the roofing trade. I here recently resurfaced one { not shown } and I am getting it out to temper it and thought this would be a good challenge for you folks. So what do ...

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