Questions and Answers

Q&A – What is the proper repair for water damage?

Q&A – What is the proper repair for water damage?

A townhouse resident from Oregon came to AAR looking for a bit of advice about a water problem. Alan from Oregon had some water damage issues in their HOA-monitered town home a few years ago. The problem seemed to resolve itself, until this last fall when it returned to the same ...

Q&A – Why wasn

Q&A – Why wasn't the roof deck removed and replaced?

When this homeowner's project was not completed according to the scope outlined in the contract, they had questions about what happened. Joseph, a homeowner in New Hampshire, had a roofer out to work on their roof and their contract specified the removal of the decking boards. When this didn't happen, they ...

Question and Answer - Protecting a gap

Q&A - Protecting a gap

Hurricane season is upon us and this homeowner wanted to make sure they were properly prepared. A homeowner in Texas named Marci was checking their roof as part of the hurricane-prep and noticed something odd. They decided to turn to the AskARoofer experts for some advice: There is a small gap on ...

Q&A - 25 years later, what sealer should be used

Q&A - 25 years later, what sealer should be used?

This homeowner is wanting sealer on their roof, and to make sure the process goes smoothly, they reached out for some expert advice! Debra, a homeowner from Montana, is getting ready to seal their roof, and wanted some clarification on what the exact process should be. This is what they asked: I ...

Q&A - Keeping out unwanted houseguests

Q&A - Keeping out unwanted houseguests

A Floridian homeowner wants to make sure she doesn't have any suprise critters visit her through her roof's gooseneck vent. Sylvia from Florida was looking for ways to keep unwanted guests out of her home. For some extra advice, she asked our AskARoofer experts their thoughts. Here's what she said: I have ...

AAR Q&A - Post-hailstorm help

Q&A - Post-hailstorm help

In the aftermath of a hail storm and a frustrating reroof, a homeowner came to the AskARoofer experts for some advice on next steps. Sam, a homeowner in Texas, had some hail damage on their roof. When they went to get a new roof installed, they ran into some issues they ...

Q&A - Picking between heat protection and hail protection

Q&A - Picking between heat protection and hail protection

This homeowner's upstairs kept getting too warm, but they also needed shingles that can stand up to storms. As they tried to decide, they came to our experts for some advice. Ryan, a homeowner in Kansas, was getting a new roof on their house. They figured this was also a great ...

Q-A - What

Q&A - What's the right material to stay cool in the summer?

A homeowner looking for advice about keeping their home cooler in the summer came to the AskARoofer experts for some help! Many areas can get quite warm in the summertime, especially where this homeowner lives in New Orleans, Louisiana! In an attempt to mitigate the effects of the hot and humid ...

Should I use copper roof strips

Q&A - Should I use copper roof strips?

Wanting to add copper strips to their roof, this homeowner turned to the experts for guideance. Nikki, a homeowner in Los Angeles, California had this to ask about the possibility of adding copper roof strips: Is my 18-year-old asphalt roof a good candidate for copper roof strips? If so, can I get ...

Q&A - Who

Q&A - Who's right, the inspector or the insurance adjuster?

When this homeowner's fascia boards rotted out, they got mixed signals from the professionals who came out to look at the roof and asked for advice. Stephanie, a homeowner in Idaho, had both an inspector and an insurance claims adjustor come out to look at the roof and they gave different ...

Showing: 1 - 10 of 229
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