Questions and Answers

AAR Will these roof tiles weather the same

Q&A - Will these roof tiles weather the same?

Despite his roofer's assurance, Keith is wondering why his new roof tiles do not match his dormer tiles. Keith, a homeowner in England, is concerned about why his new Sandtoft Double Roman Antique 2 roof tiles do not match his dormer tiles and asked: The roofer has used Sandtoft Double Roman Antique ...

AAR Q&A Siding or Roofing First?

Q&A - Siding or roofing first?

This Texas homeowner wanted to know how to optimize water flow and minimize flashing errors in their home renovation and turned to the experts for advice. Embarking on a home renovation project involving roof and siding replacement requires careful planning to ensure optimal results. For homeowners, deciding whether to tackle the ...

Q&A Which ventilation should I use

Q&A - Which ventilation should I use?

Knowing their home was improperly vented, this homeowner turned to the experts to ask which type of ventilation would be best. Mark, a homeowner in Texas, asked about properly ventilating his house: My house is a two story and the roof is improperly vented. The upstairs room is a cathedral ceiling that ...

Where is the best place to start when shingling a roof with a patio cover?

Q&A - Where is the best place to start when shingling a roof with a patio cover?

After adding a patio cover that connects to both sides of the main roof, Bob asks about the best starting point for shingling their roof. Bob, a homeowner in California, had this question to ask regarding their roofing and shingle needs: “I put on a new roof a little over ...

Q&A – Figuring out the best practices for metal roof installation

Q&A – Figuring out the best practices for metal roof installation

When it's as important as a roof over your head, conflicting information is the last thing you want. A homeowner installing a metal roof turned to our experts to get some clarification. Charles, a homeowner in Salem, Oregon, was doing some reasearch on metal roofs and asked the following: I am getting ...

AAR Q&A Best shingle option

Q&A - What's the best shingle option?

A Pennsylvania homeowner wanted an unbiased opinion about which shingle would perform better and asked the experts for advice. CS, a homeowner in Pennsylvania, wanted to know the difference between GAF's Timberline HDZ and Ultra HDZ architectural shingle to help make their decision for their new roof, so they turned to ...

HER Roofing General Roofing Replacement Questions

Answering your general roof replacement questions

By HER Roofing. From knowing whether to leave your house during construction to how much it will cost, learn the basics of your next roof replacement. Getting your roof replaced can be a bit intimidating and intense. For the crew on the roof, it's a demanding, labor-intensive task. For those ...

Q&A – Are the exposed nails on the roof a problem

Q&A – Are the exposed nails on the roof a problem?

After being warned about the nails on their roof being exposed, a homeowner came looking for some clarification. Debi in California has a relatively new roof, but was told that something is wrong with the nailing, here's what she asked: Hello, we had a new roof done in October 2023. We are ...

AAR Q&A – Finding a roofer you can trust

Q&A – Finding a roofer you can trust

This Arizona homeowner contacted our AskARoofer experts looking for some advice on how to find a trustworthy roofer. Zain, a homeowner from Arizona, reached out for some help finding the right contractor for their project. This is what they asked: Hello roofing experts. I'm coming here to see if they I could ...

Q&A – Preparing for the hot summer months

Q&A – Which coating is more effective controlling the house temperature?

When prepping their home for the hot months to come, this homeowner wanted some help figuring out which roof coating would set their roof up for better temperature management. A homeowner from California, Juliette, reached out to the AskARoofer experts about a quote they recieved for a coating on her modified ...

Showing: 11 - 20 of 229
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