Here is what our roofing expert, John Kenney of Cotney Consulting Group, had to say in response to your question:
Soffit vents are typically designed to provide intake ventilation for your attic or roof space, allowing fresh air to enter and circulate within the attic. This helps maintain proper air circulation, prevent moisture buildup, and regulate temperatures.
If your soffit vents are acting as exhaust vents, it could be due to a few potential reasons:
- Blockage or Improper Installation
- Blocked Exhaust Vents: If your primary exhaust vents (such as ridge vents) are blocked, the air might seek alternative paths, including the soffit vents.
- Inadequate Ventilation System: If your attic ventilation system is not balanced correctly or designed, it can lead to improper air movement and the reversal of intended air flows.
I recommend that you have a professional contractor come out and check out the source of the issue.