HVAC Resources

Maintaining your HVAC system is crucial to keeping a clean and healthy building!

Keeping your HVAC system running efficiently and effectively is a crucial part of roof maintenance. It is estimated that humans can breath close to 3,000 gallons of air daily and most people spend 90% of their time indoors. This means it is vital for our health that the air we are breathing is clean, which is directly determined by the quality of the HVAC running through your roofing system.

While it is often built into your roof, it is not often roofing contractors that tackle your HVAC maintenance. Instead, it is recommended to reach out to professionals that specialize in indoor air quality (IAQ), like Pure Air Control Services (PACS). PACS is a national indoor air quality provider with extensive experience in a variety of different facilities: education, healthcare, military, commercial, residential, law enforcement, warehouses, retail and more.Tremco IAQ and maintaining HVAC

Many roofing companies and members of the roofing industry have relationships with organizations like this that they can point homeowners, building owners and property managers towards. For example, Tremco Roofing and WTI partner with PACS to provide IAQ and HVAC system testing and restoration that makes sure your HVAC systems output clean, quality air and run optimally.

Learn more about maintaining your building's air quality here.

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