AskARoofer® welcomes Instant Roofer!

AAR Welcomes Instant Roofer
May 10, 2024 at 6:00 a.m.

With Instant Roofer you’re not just getting access to a free roof measuring and estimating app for your website, you are also tapping into a source of free exclusive leads. Step into the ring with a fast punching, AI driven tech provider funded and supported by roofers.  

AskARoofer®, the place where home and building owners can research, learn and ask roofing professionals questions about how to maintain, purchase and install the best roof possible, is pleased to welcome Instant Roofer into its community for contractors.  

When it comes to technology and lead-generation in the roofing industry, does it sometimes feel like you keep getting hit long after you’ve gone down? Let Instant Roofer pick you back up and fuel your growth and success instead of allowing you to be blindsided by the competition’s right hook. What sets them apart is that Instant Roofer is funded by roofers, and they are committed to building technology and offering services that actually work. Not only can you sign up to receive free leads, but if their lead generation program is working for you and you want more of the best leads in the industry you can pay to receive more exclusive leads. 

Here are just a few ways they are committed to exceeding expectations and helping you close more sales:  

  • They provide a free instant measuring and estimating app that is easy to install on your website: Yes, it's free. In order to stay ahead of your competition, it’s crucial that you show homeowners instant estimates for their exact home so you don't fall behind. Best of all, the app will help you convert more of the users on your website into leads, which means more business for you. If you have any questions or trouble installing the app, a real human that understands your needs and business is available to answer your questions or concerns.  
  • They offer free, exclusive leads from their website: Yep, still free and truly exclusive. Sign up, set your service area, set your pricing and start receiving free, price conditioned, exclusive leads. Want more exclusive leads? Upgrade to their paid program and lock down your zip codes to receive most (if not all) of the leads in your coverage area. 
  • They offer hassle-free lead credits: If you decide to upgrade to their paid lead plan, getting a credit is one simple click away. Not every lead is going to be a knock-out. And that’s alright. Instant Roofer makes it easy to get credits for paid leads that don’t work out without creating extra headaches. They have a one click, no questions asked, way to get a lead credit. Since they never send a lead to more than one contractor, lead credit requests are rare but simple when you want to do so. 
  • They want informed and satisfied homeowners as much as you do: Whether you install their free measuring and estimating app on your website or sign up for their exclusive lead program, you will feel the power and high conversion rates that come from working price-conditioned leads. Price-conditioned homeowners won’t be sticker shocked with your quote, giving you the opportunity to have more productive and efficient conversations. All leads are fully TCPA (Telephone Consumer Protection Act) compliant and ready for you to quote.  

In this industry, standing out in your service area is as important as a boxer’s lucky pair of gloves. Instant Roofer offers their Free Measuring and Estimating App for your website and their Exclusive Leads for Roofers Programs so you can work on that right hook without other competition swooping in. By choosing Instant Roofer, you get free instant measuring and estimating AI-driven tech for your website and access to free or paid exclusive leads. The bell just rang, get in the ring!  

Join the Instant Roofer revolution today and start knocking out the competition! 

AskARoofer® is proud to welcome Instant Roofer!

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