No damage to composite roofs after 100+ hailstorms

DaVinci no damage to composite roofs
June 5, 2024 at 6:00 a.m.

By DaVinci Roofscapes.

With Class 4 rated impact-resistant composite roofing, you can forget about severe weather hassles when storms strike.

If you’re looking for a durable roof, consider this. Jim Bowers and Allen Clark live in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. They each got their DaVinci composite roofs 10 years ago. Since that time lists 105 hail events in their area.

Neither of their homes have any dents on their roofs. And, some of the storms had hail almost 3” in diameter.

What kind of roofing was that again? Class 4 rated impact-resistant composite roofing from DaVinci Roofscapes.

Here’s their story.

Slate and shake substitutes

“We were in a never-ending pattern of hailstorms,” says homeowner Jim Bowers of Oklahoma City. “Our home had composition roofing. I was just tired of messing with the roof damage. When I asked McRay Roofing & Exteriors for a solution, they told me about DaVinci Single-Width Slate roofing.”

Across town in Nichols Hills, Oklahoma, the Clark family was building their new home in 2015. They knew right from the start that they wanted an impact roof with a shake look. “I didn’t want to take care of a roof or worry about storms,” says Allen Clark. “My DaVinci Multi-Width Shake roof is a staple of the house.

“I have never felt as though my roof could withstand anything that is thrown at it until I came across DaVinci. My house not only feels secure structurally, but also financially because I know my investment with DaVinci will last a long time.”

Benefits of composite roofing

Clark and Bowers offer these thoughts almost 10 years — and more than 100 hailstorms — after their impact-resistant roofs were first installed. Both homeowners say they’ve had no issues with dents or impacts on the composite slate and shake tiles despite repeated hail activity over the years.

“This roof has handled hailstorms very well,” says Bowers. “Aesthetically it’s 1000% better than our original composition roof, especially with the style of our home. We owe a great deal to McRay Roofing & Exteriors; I can’t recommend them enough!”

The same sentiments are shared by Allen Clark about both his roof and the dedicated installation team.

“I’m thrilled that our decision to invest in DaVinci has aged so well over the years,” says Clark. “In addition, McRay Roofing & Exteriors is the top of what the industry has to offer. I highly recommend them both with the utmost honor.”

More homeowner benefits

But wait, it gets even better.

Two things make the decision to invest in composite roofing from DaVinci even better for these homeowners. First, the year-after-year discounts they receive on their annual homeowner insurance because they have Class A rated roofing. And second, the Lifetime Limited Material Warranty that comes with the DaVinci roofing product.

If you’re ready to forget about severe weather hassles, then visit the DaVinci website today. And, for more information on severe weather survivors, check out these stories:

Learn more about DaVinci Roofscapes here. 

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