“No-Maintenance Guarantee” on snow retention products from Rocky Mountain Snow Guards

RMSG No-Maintenance Guarantee
August 26, 2024 at 1:00 p.m.

Rocky Mountain Snow Guards introduces a no-maintenance guarantee for their snow retention systems.

Homeowners have enough chores to worry about without being concerned about maintaining the snow retention systems on their roofs. That’s why Rocky Mountain Snow Guards provides a “No-Maintenance Guarantee” on their snow guards and fence-style snow retention systems.

According to Lars Walberg, president of Rocky Mountain Snow Guards, the company’s products are not affected by severe weather conditions or contrasting freezing and soaring temperatures. The company’s snow guards and snow fences are impact-, wind-, moss- and algae-resistant.

“In addition, the bulk of our products resist rust,” says Walberg. “The exception being our Corgard and raw steel snow fences. These are intended to rust naturally to match the rusty metal corrugated or standing seam roofs to which they’re attached. Aside from these pieces, all our other products resist rusting.”

Rocky Mountain Snow Guards products are also backed by a 50-Year Warranty, the most aggressive snow retention product warranty in the industry. Both the product warranty and no-maintenance guarantee provide peace of mind for homeowners and confidence for the roofing contractors who install the products.

Roof Maintenance? “Nope, Not Me,” say Homeowners

The No-Maintenance Guarantee from Rocky Mountain Snow Guards is especially appealing to homeowners who place regular roof inspections and maintenance as their lowest home maintenance priority. According to the 2024 Home Maintenance Study commissioned by The Hanover Insurance Group®, checking roofs was the least likely project tackled nationwide by homeowners.

A full 62 percent of respondents surveyed in The Harris Poll said they were not likely to inspect their roof for damaged shingles or sealants. However, the roof is the primary source of protection for a home during severe weather. It takes the brunt of high winds, hail, rain and of course snow. What’s the solution? Roofing products with strong guarantees and warrantees.

“It’s a given that if you need snow retention for your roof that you’re living in a geographic area that takes a beating,” says Walberg. “That’s why we create our snow guards and fences to stand up to the roughest weather conditions, year after year.

“While homeowners should indeed have their roofing systems checked regularly, they don’t have to worry about our snow retention system. Once installed, Rocky Mountain Snow Guard pieces are warranted and guaranteed to last for decades into the future.”

About Rocky Mountain Snow Guards

Rocky Mountain Snow Guards, Inc. manufactures snow guards and fence-style snow retention systems designed to protect people and property. The company provides free shipping of products to the 48 contiguous United States and offers free layouts and quotes for product placement. For details visit www.rockymountainsnowguards.com or call 1-877-414-7606.

Learn more about Rocky Mountain Snow Guards Inc. in their Coffee Shop Directory or visit www.rockymountainsnowguards.com.

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