Q&A – When can you apply aluminum roof coating?

Q&A – When can you apply aluminum roof coating?
November 21, 2023 at 6:00 a.m.

The process of installation is just as important as the materials chosen when it comes to roofing. A homeowner wanted some clarification about the process of applying aluminum coating, so they asked our experts.

A homeowner in Florida began the project of coating their metal roof to help it stand up against the elements and time better. They wanted to find the most effective process, so Patrick asked:

Can aluminum roof coating be applied to a rusty metal roof? If so, fibered or non fibered? Any special prep?

Our roofing expert, John Kenney of Cotney Consulting Group, had this to say in response:  

You must prepare the roof by power washing to remove loose or surface rust flakes. You may have to wirebrush any extremely rough areas. Once prepped, it should be primed as recommended by the coating manufacturer you choose.

As a basic rule of thumb, fibered coatings are used when strength and resistance against tears and abrasions are the main focus, and non-fibered coatings work best for applications that require greater flexibility and the ability to stretch the material farther over a surface area. Non-fibered may suit your situation the best since your coating over primed metal.

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Unlike other “business” consultants, Cotney has 65+ years’ experience solving the problems of roofing companies. With real experience running 8-figure, multi-million dollar companies, our consultants did not learn about business consulting from a book — we have experienced the same problems that you have, solved them and moved on to create a storied history of success. We can share our experiences with you and help you achieve success. Learn more at www.cotneyconsulting.com.


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