Q & A - Tip The Roofer - Should I Do it?

November 26, 2014 at 12:00 a.m.

Tipping the roofer is not expected.

Tipping the roofer after a job is done, believe it or not, is a question I have been asked many times. Having made a living up on the roof many years, I can say yes, what a nice thing to do, but it really is not expected. To be honest what makes more of an impression on me and my crews is when we were greeted on a cold morning, with a pot of coffee, bagels and donuts like this crew of Hi-Tech Roofing LLC from Burnsville, Minnesota is enjoying. Or during the hot summers months in Sacramento, California when a bucket of ice and glasses with lemonade or soda was left in the backyard with an invitation to take a short break. I remember one gentleman many years ago, filled his refrigerator in his garage with soda and water. He left the garage door open with a note “For the workers. Help yourselves to drinks in the refrigerator.”

Tipping means, A monetary gratitude for service performed, typically in the dining industry.

My favorite tip wasn’t money. It was in 1988 doing a heavy cedar shake reroof. I was working by myself on this roof and after the first day, the family met me at my truck as I was cleaning up. Both the husband and wife said, "Tomorrow we want to make you breakfast before you get started." It seemed strange but I said ok and before I left I did a little better job cleaning up than I normally would have. The next morning I was greeted and welcomed into the kitchen where we sat down at the table like I was a member of the family. The wife had prepared coffee, fried eggs, bacon, potatoes and biscuits with gravy. Wow, having a meal with someone puts a different twist on the job. Almost like we were friends. I got started a little later that day but that kindness I will never forget and it was not money that impressed me. Again, it inspired me to go way beyond my normal service to the customer. Don’t get me wrong, my crews and I really tried to do all we could on a reroof to leave the home better than it was when we first arrived when it came to clean up. It was just going a step farther in the service that was appreciated by the homeowners and returning that kindness back to them.

So to answer the question "Should I tip the roofer?" sure you can do that if you want, but you and your roofing contractor have entered into a contract for services and a tip is not expected at all. If you feel like it, why not show that kindness during the midstream of the job? Sitting down and sharing a cup of coffee in the morning or cold drink at the end of a hard day's work gives you a chance to visit with the crews and get to know them just a little. Trust me you might get a kick out of the different personalities and stories they may tell in those few minutes you spend with them. They are not as scary as they look. By giving them a thank you and a small amount of kindness, like a cold drink, can go a long way in the duration of your roofing project.

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November 26, 2014
It seems backwards to me - people who really are not doing much, expect and get tips. People who do really hard work for some reason don't. I tipped the 6 man crew even though most of the internet says I shouldn't. I am hoping this attitude will change so
November 26, 2014
The only time I ever received a tip was from a Japanese guy 20 years ago. I made 8000.00 in the week I was working for him, and yes that's after the materials guys. He smiled and gave me a 100.00 tip. There's people out there that not only respect a good
November 26, 2014
Scott as I recall the tips I have received have been from older folks on fixed incomes and like you never an attorney. I have had good luck working for attorneys. Only once did I have a issue and it was over his dog escaping and getting hit by a car.

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