Why Recovering a Roof is a Sustainable Practice

November 16, 2022 at 6:00 a.m.

By Cass Jacoby. 

Learn all about how Sika roof recovery is a sustainable alternative to a reroof. 

In a RoofersCoffeeShop® RLW, Sean Fraker of Sika Liquid Applied Membranes (LAM) discusses why it is better for the environment to recoat rather than reroof. 

Sika is committed to sustainable development, encouraging innovations of products that are safer with lower environmental impact that improve upon existing roofing solutions. “One of the solutions that we at Sika basically have put a big push on is this recover philosophy,” says Sean. According to Sean Sika is asking, “What can we do with the liquids that we manufacture that we have in our stock and in our inventory that we can regularly produce, keep in stock and supply the industry to recover PVC, TPO, modified bitumens, gravel-surfaced asphalt roofs, metal roofs?” 

Sika’s objective centers on supplying customers with innovative solutions that boost the efficiency, durability and aesthetic appeal of buildings and infrastructure constructions. As such, Sika products are certified sustainable and designed to meet LEED standards in order to build a brighter future for our environment. 

“Several of our products have got full EPDs, and report cradle-to-grave,” says Sean. He explains that it is the process of recovery in itself that is greener as well. When it comes to the philosophy of recovering the roof, it is more than just an effective way to increase productivity and labor resources, it is a way to avoid an old roof ending up in a landfill prematurely. “I mean, you're not tearing off a roof. You're not filling up a landfill.” 

Plus, all Sikalastic RoofPro and RoofCoat products come in a white coating that reflects much of the sun’s light. Reflective white coatings help keep buildings cooler and lower air conditioning costs as well as reduce the Heat Island affect in cities. 

Sean explains that with a roof coating, you are able to infinitely recoat the roof without adding weight to the roof system. Sikalastic® RoofPro and RoofCoat recover systems not only offer a consistent alternative to reroofing, but come with a renewable warranty that reflects this. “The RoofPro product line, from a sustainability standpoint, it's a renewable warranty,” says Sean. “Let's just say you put a 20-year system down. At the end of 20 years, us, the original contractor, the owner would go up, walk the roof, determine, is it in good shape? 99% of the time, it's in perfect shape.” 

Listen to the podcast to learn about how roof coating can be the greener alternative to reroofing that building owners and contractors alike are looking for.  

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About Cass  

Cass works as a reporter/writer for RoofersCoffeeShop, AskARoofer and MetalCoffeeShop. When she isn’t writing about roofs, she is putting her Master degree to work writing about movies and dancing with her plants.

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